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Foto del escritor: ART FOR ALLART FOR ALL

Actualizado: 16 oct 2020

Iconicity is the similarity or analogy between the object and the image of the object. Depending on their DEGREE OF ICONICITY, images may be…

REALISTIC: the level of similarity between the image and the real object is huge.

FIGURATIVE: we are able to easily identify the represented object but it is more simplified, lacks details or is simplifed

ABSTRACT: the image and the real object are not alike at all. Its interpretation is up to us. It is not so much about representing things as ideas, feelings or emotions that what you want to represent causes.


MATERIALS: A4 sheet, colored pencils, markers... PREPARATION: - Draw an image.

-Divide the sheet into 3 equal parts: realistic in the middle, to the left figurative style, to the right abstract style.

TECHNIQUE: The technique is free, you can do it with the material you want and use any way to express yourself, remember that in the previous year we have learned to express ourselves with the point, the line, the plane, the textures, the color ... apply those knowledge to perform this task

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